Thursday, September 6, 2012

State of The Blogosphere

Ya know when I think of blogging I think of a great place to get my ideas out in public for other people to find useful and a place where I can inspire and be inspired. What I don't think of when I ponder about blogging is about how big the internet is and how many other people are out there that are trying to do the exact same thing. Competition. I should not see this hobby as a competitive sport but people do and thats how the world works and I can either get with it or just  delete my blog now. 

If you look up "State of the Blogosphere" on Technorati they give you the most recent state of the blogging world. What I learned after reading this that there is so many other people wanting to accomplish the same thing as thousands of others. There is a very slim chance that someone's blog will get discovered and become famous or better, make money off their blog. The U.S. has the most bloggers in the world following is England and Australia. Not going to lie to ya'll but I am a bit of a perfectionist and when I do something I want to succeed. I want to have a successful blog, so right now I am going to make a goal for my new blogging hobby. Here it is...

By January 1, 2013 I would like to have 75 followers and at least one post per week with several comments from my lovely followers :)

Think I can do it? Have some suggestions? Leave me a comment!

Love Brittany

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